Tips for reading a picture book to your child

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Reading stories aloud to children is likely an activity that happens each day in a preschool and kindergarten classroom. It was an activity that I looked forward to each day with my students, as it was a quiet time to take pleasure in literature and stunning illustrations while sharing ideas and meeting interesting characters. reading stories also supplied terrific opportunities for skill development in several general areas:

Sitting still and paying attention – young children (as I’m sure you know) do not have naturally long attention spans. They learn to increase their ability to sit still and pay attention by practicing. Engaging stories are optimal for supplying practice in this area.

Auditory processing – children learn to listen to the words in the story and process their meaning. They can listen to details about the characters, the setting and the action in the story. They can practice listening for clues and making predictions about what will happen. They may process what is taking place in the story and relate it to their own experiences.

Vocabulary enhancement – children can learn new words and enrich their vocabulary by listening to terrific children’s literature.

Visual Discrimination – children can get useful practice checking out the details in the illustrations of picture books. Over-sized books with large font (appropriately called “Big Books”) can also give children opportunities to see words continuously in print. some of these common words then become sight words that children can read “on sight” without the need to sound them out. children can also learn about the concept of a word as a group of letters separated by a space when checking out the text in big Books.

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Hearing and sharing ideas – discussions about the stories children hear create opportunities for children to share their ideas with others and learn to allow others to share ideas, as well.

Ways to read picture books at home

Reading picture books at home gives you the opportunity to read a book a lot more than one time. children love hearing a book over and over and feeling familiar with the text and illustrations. This is a terrific luxury that I rarely had as a teacher, but one that gives you the chance to technique a book in a variety of ways.

Reading from start to finish without stopping – Authors of young children’s books typically take terrific care with the language and word presentation in their books. A particular rhythm is typically established, and reading a book without stopping for discussion or comments can highlight this rhythm and add to the enjoyment of the story. Also, reading without stopping gives children the chance to “jump into the story” themselves and become fully immersed in the action.

Pausing to comment, answer questions or ask questions – There may be instances when clarification is valuable for a child and pausing to comment on a confusing point keeps the child engaged in the story. At other times, the adult reader may be curious about the child’s action to a character’s behavior or to a situation in the story, and having a quick conversation is appropriate. Asking questions or eliciting comments may also keep a child focused on the story, knowing that his actions will be part of the story-reading experience.

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Practicing skills – Some books supply terrific practice with skills such as identifying rhymes, letter and number recognition, and counting. When reading these books, pausing on every page to give your child the chance to practice a certain skill is helpful. Often, in these instances, I first read the story from start to finish to give children the chance to take pleasure in the story line and illustrations. then we go back and read one page at a time, stopping to practice the skill. For example, with rhyming books, you may choose to read the text, stopping to allow your child to fill in the missing rhyme. With counting books, encourage your child to touch each picture as he counts aloud.

Follow-up discussions – often it is terrific to simply read a stunning picture book and take pleasure in it on its own. In other cases, where time permits, follow-up discussions can enrich the story. Sharing ideas about the cहेक्टर, कार्य वा सेटिंगले बच्चाको कल्पना र समस्या समाधान गर्ने सीपलाई उत्तेजित गर्न सक्छ। के तपाईंको बच्चाले कथामा प्रस्तुत गरेको समस्यालाई अर्को एक विकल्प वा अर्को विकल्पको बारेमा सोच्न सक्दछ? हुनसक्छ तपाईंको बच्चाको कथामा वर्णन गरिएको व्यक्तिको लागि त्यस्तै अनुभव भएको छ र यस सम्बन्धमा आफ्ना भावनाहरूको बारेमा कुरा गर्न चाहन्छ। तपाईंको बच्चाले आफ्नो विचारहरू साझा गर्न पाउँदा खुशी हुन सक्छ (उनको मनपर्ने चित्रण वा कथाको अंश, उदाहरणका लागि), उदाहरणका लागि, कि उसको अविश्वसनीय ध्यान छ।

रेने अब्राफाइभविट्ज एक पूर्व प्रिस्कूल र किन्डरगार्टन शिक्षक हुन् जुन 200 2008 मा रिटाइज भएको चार आश्चर्यजनक भारतीयहरुलाई। उनी सबै आमाबाबुलाई उनीहरूको बच्चाको पहिलो र आमाबाबुको साथ उनीहरूसँग आफ्ना बच्चाहरूसँग सफलतापूर्वक काम गर्न आवश्यक छ भन्ने धारणाको बारेमा भावुक छिन र उनीहरूलाई उनीहरूको बच्चाहरूसँग सफलतापूर्वक काम गर्न आवश्यक छ। मा रेनी भ्रमण गर्नुहोस् तपाईंको बच्चालाई तपाईको बच्चालाई महत्वपूर्ण स्कूल-तत्परता को विकास गर्न मद्दत गर्ने जानकारीको लागि। उनको साइटमा तपाईले एक मानार्थ किरानागायत तत्परता परीक्षण प्लस फेला पार्नुहुनेछ सयौं सयौं सयौं सयौं सयौं ग्यासहरु

एक पोटी ट्रेनर प्रयोग गर्न सम्बन्धित सिकाई

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